About Us
BroadVision is a global provider of social business solutions, focused first and foremost on real people and how they work. We are a group of communication and technology experts with a passion for revolutionizing business through collaboration. With a continuous focus on our customers, BroadVision understands that if you provide reliable, personalized services designed with your customers’ needs in mind, strong business results will follow.
This understanding allows BroadVision to build the business tools that companies can afford and easily implement, making the most of their existing capabilities while tapping into undiscovered talent. The result is a more agile, dynamic, and productive organization with a truly collaborative workforce at its core. The difference is in our point of view—how we see your unique business. To us, you are not just a name on a list of users or a percentage on our balance sheet. You have ambitious goals, loyal employees, cultivated expertise, and a long customer list of your own.
Because we approach business communication as an art form, we see your organization—and each network, community, and collaboration space we help you build—as a true masterpiece. Every player must synchronize perfectly with the others, and every act must be performed flawlessly, every time. We work tirelessly to help you succeed, and we celebrate when you do.
Companies around the world have trusted BroadVision with their communication, collaboration and e-business needs since 1993. While we value the experience we’ve gained over the past two decades, we are more focused on where you are headed—today, tomorrow, over the next twenty years, and beyond.