As you create the documents in QuickSilver, you need to engage multiple people in the process. During and after the creation of the documents, you need to be able to track, share, store and update the documents. For this, you need a collaboration platform which makes your employees and processes much more efficient, allowing you to:
- Waste less time looking for the information you need because of the single source of truth holding all related information in one place, which also allows for easy knowledge capture and transfer.
- Waste less time following up with others to make sure they have not only read what you have sent them, but also have the most recent version of a document because of the accountability, versioning and workflow capabilities.
- Gain insight from one another through horizontal knowledge share, in addition to the traditional top-down and bottom-up methods of communication.

Please see the following video explaining the benefits of using Vmoso with QuickSilver, or take a look at our Vmoso Overview page.
QuickSilver Overview
BroadVision QuickSilver — one of the most powerful document creation and management tools available — enables businesses to create and publish lengthy, complex documents in virtually any language and any format.
BroadVision QuickSilver enables you to create extensive documents in virtually any language through the use of Unicode authoring and publish those documents to multiple output formats (including XML, HTML, PDF and Postscript) as well as automatically delivering them as personalized content to BroadVision Portal. Author in valid XML and non-XML format in the same application.
Assemble publications from a variety of text, graphic and database sources, including Microsoft Word, AutoCad, Microsoft Excel, and Oracle.
Whatever challenges your publication requirements present, BroadVision QuickSilver is the technical authoring solution that puts you in charge. QuickSilver greatly extends the capabilities of traditional Interleaf technology (acquired by BroadVision in 2000) and is fully compatible with Interleaf 6 and 7.
Due to the acquisition of BroadVision, including its QuickSilver product, by Aurea software, the QuickSilver issues are now handled by Aurea. Please contact them at
- dealdesk@aurea.com if it is related to a new purchase.
- renewals@aurea.com if it is related to license renewal.
- call +1-833-379-2578 if you need further assistance.
QuickSilver Features
- Supports all Eastern and Western European languages and Asian languages such as Japanese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese and Korean.
- Reusable content and cascading changes, attribute tagging and conditional views.
- Multiple TOCs and indices; multi-level and master.
- A-paging and revision management.
- Automatic multi-file publishing maintaining intra and inter-file links ready for CD/DVD and/or web delivery.