If you don’t want to be treated like a jerk, don’t act like a jerk

Like millions of other people, I upgraded to iOS 5 on Wednesday. And like millions of other people, I found it a very frustrating experience. But, you know what, I’m not going to switch to a competitor over it, I’m not going to launch a class action suit against Apple, and I don’t want their to developers rot in hell. I’m a bit annoyed, but you know, I think I’ll get over it.

Actually my biggest frustration with iOS 5 on my iPad 1 is that Apple have removed the cool multi-touch gestures that I used to use for switching between apps. They were useful; it’s a bit irritating and somewhat inexplicable that they’ve been removed. But, hey, no one died (hmmm, actually, perhaps not the best turn of phrase under the circumstances). I’ll get over it.

However I think I might be in the minority. Maybe I am mellowing as I get older. I went and expressed my mild annoyance on Apple’s forums and was astonished by some of the other comments on the same thread.

Seriously apple! What the **** are you playing at! The only reason I’m still awake here in the uk at 3.38 am was to get its 5 onto my iPad, to them play with the new gestures!

Unbelievable. Another unhappy customer here. Bad, bad, bad.

If Apple will not re-enable this feature, I suggest to colleagues especially in USA to suit Apple for false commercial, as according to my opinion, the information about incompatibility between gestures and iPAD 1 is not mentioned in the information about the iOS 5 features.

maybe they want more money… and want us to buy ipad 2…………… no way. better wait for windows 8 on tablet…….

Guys, guys! A little perspective! The problem is, if you go nuclear over every single little thing, how can a company possibly expect to work out what is really important and what isn’t?

BroadVision ourselves have been subject to similar sort of abuse via Twitter – someone told our developers to “rot in hell” (and much worse) when one of our eCommerce customer’s site was running slowly. I really wanted to write back and say “OK, I will ask our developers to rot in hell, but it really isn’t going to help our customer add more servers”. I resisted the temptation.

We all know that social media has given customers a voice and a mechanism to tell companies exactly what we think of them. But this has to be a two way thing. Yes, the company needs to listen, but the customer also needs to behave rationally. It’s easy to ignore offensive, hysterical rants. It’s much harder to ignore coherent, reasonable complaints. So here’s my proposal for a new customer contract for the social era.

If you don’t want to be treated like a jerk, don’t act like a jerk.